New to First UMC? We'd love to welcome you!

Sundays at First!

9:00am - Contemporary

10:00am - Sunday School

& 11:00am - Traditional

First UMC is located in the heart of Marion, Virginia.

115 S. Church St. directly behind Wells Fargo Bank on Main Street.

From interstate 81, exit 45 -

Turn towards Marion at the end of the ramp.

At the first light - Cherry St. - turn left.

First UMC is up the hill, on the right at the corner of Cherry St. and S. Church St.

What to Expect

You might be wondering, what's it really like at First UMC?

Simply stated, at First, we're all about Jesus.

Our church is made up of imperfect people with every kind of story imaginable.

Want to know the best part? No matter what you've been through or what questions you might have about God and faith, our church is a place where you'll find the love, grace, and forgiveness Jesus gives to everyone.

Sundays at First UMC are exciting, casual and relaxed.

Our services last about an hour.

We sing a few songs and listen to worship music.

Our pastor, James Bennington, will share an encouraging

and hope-filled message about Jesus.

What to Wear

Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable! We are casual. You don't have to dress up to fit in.

Where to Park

We have plenty of parking. There are two parking lots behind the church accessable from Cherry St. There is also street parking available along Cherry St. and S. Church St.

Classes for All

Morning Classes

10:00 am ADULT: Seekers Class - Church Parlor - Allen Johnsey, Teacher

10:00 am ADULT: First Friends - 3rd Floor - Student Led Study


10:00 am FIRST YOUTH: grades 6 thru 12 - 3rd Floor - Mike Albano, Teacher

10:00 am FIRST KIDS: grades K thru 5 - 3rd Floor - Ginger Moore, Teacher

We Want to Partner With You & Your Children

We'd Love to meet you here and make your visit special

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